the 22 Major Arcana cards in Tarot deck:

The Fool: The Fool represents new beginnings, innocence, and spontaneity. This card signifies embarking on a new journey or taking a leap of faith, full of optimism and curiosity. It encourages embracing the unknown with a sense of wonder and trusting in the universe.
The Magician: The Magician symbolizes manifestation, resourcefulness, and power. It indicates that you have all the tools and skills needed to transform your desires into reality. This card emphasizes the importance of focus, intention, and the effective use of your abilities.

The High Priestess: The High Priestess embodies intuition, mystery, and wisdom. She encourages you to trust your inner voice and seek deeper understanding through reflection and meditation. This card suggests that not everything is as it seems and urges patience and discernment.
The Empress: The Empress represents fertility, abundance, and nurturing. She signifies growth, creativity, and the manifestation of your dreams. This card encourages embracing nature, sensuality, and the nurturing aspects of life, whether in relationships or projects.

The Emperor: The Emperor stands for authority, structure, and stability. He represents leadership, order, and control. This card suggests taking charge of your life, setting clear boundaries, and creating a solid foundation for success.
The Hierophant: The Hierophant signifies tradition, spirituality, and education. He represents seeking guidance, following established conventions, and gaining knowledge through structured means. This card encourages you to explore your spiritual beliefs and learn from wise mentors.

The Lovers: The Lovers card symbolizes love, harmony, and choices. It often represents a significant relationship or partnership and the balance between opposing forces. This card suggests making decisions that align with your values and finding harmony within yourself and your relationships.
The Chariot: The Chariot represents determination, willpower, and triumph. It signifies overcoming obstacles through sheer force of will and focused intent. This card encourages you to stay disciplined, harness your strengths, and confidently move forward towards your goals.

Strength: Strength embodies courage, compassion, and inner strength. It represents the gentle yet powerful control over one’s own instincts and emotions. This card encourages you to approach challenges with patience, understanding, and unwavering resilience.
The Hermit: The Hermit signifies introspection, solitude, and wisdom. He represents a period of self-reflection, seeking inner guidance, and retreating from the external world to gain clarity. This card encourages you to find your own truth through contemplation and soul-searching.

Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes change, cycles, and destiny. It represents the ebb and flow of life and the inevitability of change. This card encourages you to embrace the ups and downs, recognizing that every moment is part of a larger, ever-turning wheel.
Justice: Justice represents fairness, balance, and truth. It signifies the importance of making just decisions and taking responsibility for your actions. This card encourages you to seek fairness in all situations and to weigh all aspects before making judgments.

The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man embodies surrender, perspective, and letting go. It signifies a pause or suspension in activity, allowing for a shift in perspective. This card encourages you to release old patterns, embrace new viewpoints, and trust in the process of transformation.
Death: Death signifies transformation, endings, and new beginnings. It represents the end of a cycle and the start of something new. This card encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you and to embrace the inevitable changes that lead to growth and renewal.

Temperance: Temperance symbolizes balance, moderation, and harmony. It signifies the blending of different elements to create a cohesive whole. This card encourages you to find balance in your life, practice patience, and create harmony through compromise and understanding.
The Devil: The Devil represents temptation, materialism, and self-imposed limitations. It signifies being bound by unhealthy attachments or behaviors. This card encourages you to examine what is holding you back and to break free from negative patterns and dependencies.

The Tower: The Tower symbolizes sudden upheaval, revelation, and transformation. It represents the breakdown of old structures to make way for new growth. This card encourages you to embrace the chaos and recognize the opportunities that come from drastic change and enlightenment.
The Star: The Star embodies hope, inspiration, and renewal. It signifies a period of healing, tranquility, and the realization of dreams. This card encourages you to remain hopeful, trust in the universe, and follow your aspirations with faith and optimism.

The Moon: The Moon represents intuition, illusion, and the subconscious. It signifies the importance of looking beyond the surface and understanding the deeper, hidden aspects of situations. This card encourages you to trust your instincts and navigate through uncertainties with caution.
The Sun: The Sun symbolizes positivity, success, and vitality. It signifies joy, enlightenment, and the achievement of goals. This card encourages you to embrace the warmth and positivity in your life, celebrate your accomplishments, and radiate confidence and optimism.

Judgment: Judgment represents reflection, reckoning, and renewal. It signifies a time of self-evaluation and awakening to higher truths. This card encourages you to heed the call for change, release past judgments, and embrace a new sense of purpose and direction.
The World: The World embodies completion, accomplishment, and wholeness. It signifies the successful culmination of a journey and the realization of your goals. This card encourages you to celebrate your achievements, recognize your interconnectedness, and embrace the fullness of life’s experiences.