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PIN: 7249
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Skills: Chakra Balance, Life Coaching, Natural Psychic, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Remote Viewing, Tarot Cards
Bio: I am Ganna, a psychic of over 10 years. I'm a yoga teacher dedicated to Reiki, using the pure flow of information in a semi-meditative state, working with your conscious and subconscious mind. I work directly with your unconscious and subconscious, give practical recommendations, consider people and situations through the vision and understanding of male and female psychology. My readings can look at love/relationships, looking into past to see roots of current situations or emotions, picking up on emotions in the current situation of a partner or their party on request Every reading is unique and has self-growing reflections. Art, hiking, and yoga in the ocean are activities I like to do in my spare time. The answer is always inside you, let me take you there - my favourite quot