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PIN: 7223
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Skills: Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Chakra Balance, Counsellor, Crystals, Dream Analysis, Life Coaching, Natural Psychic, NLP, Past Lives, Pendulum, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Tarot Cards
Bio: Hello beautiful souls, my name is Angel. I'm a highly empathic and intuitive spiritual healer, trained psychic. I offer law of attraction life coaching, chakra unblocking, reiki and dream analysis as well as oracle and tarot card readings. I have always been sensitive to subtle energies and possess a powerful intuition that allows me to remote view situations and tune into people's energy and thoughts. I never judge, I am here to help guide you on your personal journey and bring you the clarity, peace and confidence you need in times of uncertainty. Allow me to assist you on the path to becoming your most radiant, happiest and highest - vibrational self. My favourite tool has to be my pendulum for simple yes and no answers. I also love my crystals as they possess such powerful healing powers and there is such a variety of them, there is a crystal for every situation! Many of my clients come to me for advice on matters of romantic love, increasing self-love, and finding and maintaining empowerment through the chaos and confusion of human relationships. I am not afraid to go into detail and ask the deeper and more difficult questions, my readings are honest and always for the highest good of my client. I always start by getting to know my client first. I usually ask for their starsign and for them to explain a little bit about their current situation. Then I will proceed into the reading, or if it is an alternative service I will get straight into drawing out the desired outcome and goals of our session/s. I love to connect with nature. I swim in the ocean every morning, take a barefoot walk across the beach or through the forest. I spend time with animals, both at home and in nature (I leave food out most nights for the wild foxes in my neighbourhood). I enjoy making herbal tinctures, yoga, journalling and using my crystals. I am always learning and deepening my spiritual practice ~ I read spiritual books and practice transcendental meditation daily. "The soul of the world is nourished by people's happiness" ~ Paul Coelho, The Alchemist