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Horoscope for 2024-07-15

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As the Moon leaves your relationship sector, as well as leaving you feeling more emotionally engaged and aware, a clash with both planets in Aries yesterday leaves you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. Fortunately, a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your communication sector is also giving anything this may have flushed out a voice as Venus, the planet of love settles into her early days in your romantic sector.
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With no planetary activity in your relationship sector, the Moon’s return today was always going to be a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware. However, returning three days after Venus, the planet of love left your communication sector, bringing her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice to an end and as the Sun moves into his final seven days, the timing couldn’t be better.
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As the Moon leaves your romantic sector this wraps up an empowering few days when it comes to the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia but also where Venus, the planet of love has been able to challenge old excuses. In the meantime, Venus is settling into her early days in your communication sector, where along with Mercury, the planets of love and communication are working as a team to get the communication lines open.
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It is just as the Moon has finished delivering its monthly work/life balance reminder, that the Moon not only returns to your romantic sector but as the money and professional gods are preparing for what will be a positive and empowered working week. Yet today’s romantically charged lunar vibes not only have the support of the Sun but from planets that are helping to keep the focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence.
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It is just as a clash between Venus and Pluto that put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test over the last few days is separating, the Moon is wrapping up its well timed monthly visit to your communication sector. As you also have Mercury in Leo, in her early days here Venus, the planet of love not only has a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you but with a chance to ensure the communication lines are open.
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Three days after leaving Virgo and wrapping up a visit that saw it clash with both planets in your relationship sector, the Moon not only returns to your communication sector today but with perfect timing. With the Sun separating from a friendly aspect to Saturn in your relationship sector and moving towards another with dreamy Neptune there, the Moon is set to do the same. Whatever issues this may have flushed out can now find a voice.
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It is just as the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos moves into her final seven days in your relationship sector that the Moon is wrapping up a visit to Libra that yesterday saw them clash. As well as leaving you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, the Moon is wrapping up a visit that also gave the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia a boost.
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Just as the Sun moves into his final seven days in an adventurous part of your chart and as he is separating from a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector and another to dreamy Neptune there, the Moon returns to Scorpio. This will amplify a growing mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia but with Mars moving into his final and most important days in your relationship sector, more aware of a balance between your own and your relationship needs.
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It is just as Venus, the planet of love is settling into her early days in an adventurous part of your chart and of her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together that the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos moves into her final seven days in direct motion in your romantic sector. This is the start of what will be an ongoing partnership between planets on the romantic and adventurous fronts.
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It is just as the Sun is moving into his final seven days in your relationship sector and while the solar spotlight is still on your relationships, that the stars align on the romantic front. Just six days away from leaving your romantic sector Mars catches up with Uranus here today, with a chance for the planets of passion and synchronicity to create some real magic while firing up your romantic passions and fighting spirit.
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While Venus is already separating from a clash with Pluto in Aquarius that two days ago and in her first full day in your relationship sector put pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs, growing support from the planets in your communication sector is turning this into an opportunity for a breakthrough. Already the planets of love and change are using this to better understand what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
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It is just as the Sun moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector that the Moon returns to an adventurous part of your chart. Over the coming days and into the early days of the working week this will see a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia intensify. Meanwhile, Mars is moving into his final days in your communication sector with the kind of support that is helping you get the most out of his war on communication barriers.