Horoscope for 2024-05-08

The Moon’s departure from Aries yesterday has not only left you more emotionally engaged and aware but thanks to its passage across the lunar nodes, having had another chance to revisit a balance between your personal and relationship needs. With Mercury, the planet of communication in his last full week in Aries and the Moon returning to your communication sector tomorrow, the focus has shifted to having the communication lines open.

That the Moon’s only visit to Taurus while Venus is here should be a New Moon, is a rare opportunity to involve the planet of love in a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead. While Venus is often in Taurus during your birthday month and there will always be a New Moon at some point, it has been eight years since she has been here at the time and able to use this to make matters of the heart a priority.

It is when the Moon returns to Gemini tomorrow that you will not only become more emotionally engaged and aware, but you will have a taste of things to come on the romantic front. The Moon’s return each month will always see it connect with forces on the romantic and adventurous fronts that aren’t directly connected. For a few days, this will bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, but something more permanent is on the way.

It is over the weekend that the Sun will move into a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in your relationship sector, creating positive conditions for friendship and relationship building. Today the Moon jumps the gun, with a New Moon that involves both Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck forming the same aspect.

In the heart of the working week, life is likely to be especially busy today and while this is good news professionally, it means that you might have to set some boundaries if you want to make your relationships a priority. Fortunately, there is a shift tomorrow that will usher in some especially good days for friendship and relationship building that are in turn a taste of things to come.

It is during the first New Moon in an adventurous part of your chart in eight years while Venus, the planet of love is here that the Moon forms a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in your romantic sector. This is the same aspect the Sun will form later in the week and Venus next week, giving her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together a serious boost.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday, you are not only more emotionally engaged but thanks to Mars’ return last week, with a better sense of what you are fighting for. This may have pushed some buttons or evoked some strong emotional responses but with Mercury, planet of communication leaving your relationship sector next week this has given him something that he can give a voice to.

While today’s New Moon in your relationship sector is an annual event and the point during the Sun’s month long visit that at this time each year brings an opportunity for new beginnings, there is nothing ordinary about this. For the first time in 24 years Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck are both here, ready to ride the wave of forward momentum this can create.

You have reached a point in each month when in between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, life often gets a little busier. Today things have become a lot busier, though with Mars staying on to champion and even expanding on the romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days.

Today’s New Moon in your romantic sector is a coming together of the Sun and Moon that will always happen at around this time each year and always when the solar spotlight is on matters of the heart. This is a powerful coming together of romantically charged solar and lunar vibes that can create a lot of forward momentum, making this a good time for new beginnings. However, for the first time in 24 years Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck are here and ready to ride this wave.

The lead up to the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow is the point in each month when there is a need to be mindful of how love friendly your life is. With the Moon set to return during the working week this is even more important this time and especially the most romantically charged months of not just 2024 but in over a decade just around the corner.

As the Sun and Moon align to create today’s New Moon in your communication sector, this has the additional punch that this annual event doesn’t usually have. For the first time in 24 years both Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck are here at the time, ready to take advantage of the forward momentum this can create. This is giving Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice a serious boost.