Horoscope for 2024-06-01

The Moon’s return to Aries today means that over the weekend it will cross the lunar nodes, something that will give you a window on their policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. The difference this time is that with Venus, the planet of love not only in your communication sector but with an army of support, you are ready to meet this head on.

As Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final two days in Taurus, as well as working to keep the communication lines open, he is working with partners that can keep them open after he leaves. Still separating from an alignment with Uranus that peaked yesterday, Mercury has gained some extra momentum. Yet with Venus and Mercury both just 16 days away from your communication sector, you won’t be on your own for long.

While Venus, the planet of love will only spend 24 days in Gemini this year, her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year has already received a considerable boost. With Venus not only due to spend the majority of next week aligned with the Sun but with both due to form a friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector, this is set to continue.

As he moves into his final two days in your friendship sector Mercury, the planet of communication is still aligned with Uranus here while separating from but still in harmony with the dwarf planet Ceres in your relationship sector. With both staying on after Mercury leaves, the support for friendship and relationship building and for keeping the communication lines open will continue.

A week on from last week’s Full Moon in your romantic sector and the impact this had on Mars in an adventurous part of your chart, the Moon returns. With Mars leaving at the end of next week, as well as fuelling a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure and adding to Mars’ passion for adventure, this will add to the spirit of romance and adventure that this brought together and Mars has been able to keep alive.

The last thing the Moon will do before leaving your relationship sector today is align with Neptune, as it does with each monthly visit. After an alignment with Saturn and a clash with the asteroid Juno in Virgo yesterday, where this may have brought some reality checks or saw your own and your relationship needs clash, an alignment with the planet of dreams is a chance to bring back the magic.

It is just as Mars is separating from an alignment with Chiron, the planet of healing and just as he is preparing to move into his final week in your relationship sector, he is joined by the Moon. As the Moon’s last visit before Mars leaves, this is a chance to become more emotionally and intuitively engaged while strong emotional and passionate responses are going to give you a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

The last thing the Moon will do before leaving your romantic sector today is align with Neptune, the planet of dreams. This might be a monthly event but can add that additional bit of magic to the tail end of these romantically charged lunar vibes. This comes just as Mercury, the planet of communication is getting some additional support as he moves into his final two days in your relationship sector.

Just in time for not just the weekend but as Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos prepares to leave your romantic sector at the end of next week, the Moon returns. While an ordinary monthly visit, as the last while Mars is here for another two years, these romantically charged lunar vibes can add fuel to your romantic passions and fighting spirit.

As he moves into his final two days in your romantic sector Mercury is just starting to separate from an alignment with Uranus that will keep them in lockstep until he leaves. Ahead of Mars’ return to your romantic sector next week, while Mercury is working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page, Uranus increases the potential for serendipitous moments and/or encounters.

It is just as Mars is separating from an alignment with Chiron, the planet of healing in your communication sector that he is joined by the Moon. This is the Moon’s last visit before the warrior planet of the cosmos leaves later next week, with the Moon making it easier to give your emotional responses a voice as you move into the final days of Mars’ war on communication barriers.

After a clash with the asteroid Juno in your communication sector yesterday, the Moon’s monthly visit to Pisces will end on a more positive note as it aligns with dreamy Neptune. This may have flushed out any issues or put pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs yesterday but as Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final two days in your communication sector the timing couldn’t be better.