Horoscope for 2024-09-11
At the same time that Venus has moved into her final 12 days in your relationship sector, the Sun is just five days away. With the Sun due to return and put the solar spotlight on your relationships just before Venus leaves, there will be enough time for a handover but not for a crossover. This is giving you time to work with Venus to get a sense of what you want from your relationships while waiting for the Sun for the reality checks.
The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday was always going to leave you more emotionally engaged and aware, but this time with a chance to take advantage of Mars’ return to your communication sector last week. The Moon can always evoke the kind of emotional responses in need of a voice but this time, just as Mars is looking for something to give a voice to.
Two days after Mercury, the planet of communication wrapped up his extended visit to your relationship sector, as the Moon makes its monthly visit to your relationship sector it is putting how well you can keep the communication lines open on your own to the test. Normally here for 14 to 15 days, with a visit that began in early July having just ended, you have the resources needed to pass that test.
In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, things may have taken a busier turn, but with a need to hold onto the spirit of romance. With Venus, the planet of love just 12 days away from kicking off the most romantically charged months of 2024, the last few days have been a taste of things to come.
Having the Moon in your romantic sector in the heart of the working week can be a challenge but until Venus, the planet of love returns next month these monthly visits are key to keeping the spirit of romance and adventure alive. Before the Moon leaves tomorrow, a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia is set to deepen.
Right in the heart of the working week, the Moon is delivering its monthly visit to your romantic sector and the timing couldn’t be better. With the Moon not only returning to your romantic sector tomorrow but for its first visit since Pluto retrograded back in, opening the doors to the past and second chances, there are some romantically charged days coming up that will need to compete with the working week.
With no planetary activity in your communication sector until Venus, the planet of love returns next month, the Moon’s monthly visits are key to keeping the communication lines open. While a friendly aspect to both planets in your relationship sector before leaving tomorrow will make it easier to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice, today the Moon is more focused on tackling communication barriers.
While Venus, the planet of love is just 12 days away from her return to Scorpio, until then she is not only taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane but with every planet on the romantic and relationship fronts now in retrograde motion. With the doors open to the past and second chances, these final 12 days could be some of the most important.
It is just as Jupiter, on his own in your relationship sector since Mars left last week is drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love that a clash with the Moon as it makes its monthly visit to Sagittarius could push some buttons. This is a monthly event and key to maintaining the right balance between your own and your relationship needs, but at a time when the love and relationship gods are coming together to create something special.
As well as wrapping up a positive few days for friendship and relationship building, it was the Moon’s friendly aspect to Mars, in his early days in your relationship sector and to both planets in your communication sector that has helped to build an early bridge between the two. This is a chance to move into some of the most important weeks of the year on the relationship front with the communication lines open.
In the heart of the working week and just as he is drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Venus, planet of love over the weekend, Jupiter is facing a headwind during his first full week on his own in your romantic sector. In the heart of the working week, this might make it harder to make matters of the heart a priority, but with a timely reminder ahead of a romantically charged weekend coming up.
As Mercury, the planet of communication settles back into your relationship sector after returning two days ago, both he and the Sun know that their days are numbered. With the Sun taking the solar spotlight off your relationships in 12 days and Mercury leaving three days later, ending all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year, this has to be a priority now.