Horoscope for 2024-09-16

As Venus, the planet of love moves into her final seven days in your relationship sector she is starting to separate from a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your communication sector that peaked yesterday, but they will remain closely aligned. With the Sun due to return to your relationship sector just before Venus leaves and Mercury, the planet of communication three days later, this is the start of a partnership between the communication and relationship gods that will endure.

Seven days before Venus, the planet of love is due to return to your relationship sector to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front this year, the Sun moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector and Mercury his final 10 days. This will end all planetary activity on the romantic front just as it is about to start up on the relationship front for the first time this year. This brings a chance to look forward to one while making the most of the final days of all planetary activity on the romantic front.

The Moon is not only spending its final hours in an adventurous part of your chart at a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love as she moves into her final seven days in your romantic sector, but as she is separating from a friendly aspect to Jupiter that peaked yesterday. This is not only bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together but the element of luck and the laws of attraction and synchronicity.

With Venus, the planet of love just seven days away from returning to your romantic sector to begin the most romantically charged months of 2025, the Moon not only returns to an adventurous part of your chart but to begin the lead up to an eclipsing Full Moon. Over the coming days, the Moon will connect with Mars and during the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos’ early days in Cancer, this is a window into the support that Venus and matters of the heart can look forward to.

In a case of perfect timing, the Moon is not only spending its final hours in your relationship sector at a friendly aspect to Venus but just as the planet of love moves into her final seven days in your communication sector and of her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. With both at a friendly aspect to Jupiter, there is an element of luck and the laws of attraction and synchronicity in effect.

It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final 10 days in Virgo but with Venus, the planet of love just seven days away from her return to your communication sector, that the Moon not only returns to your relationship sector today but to begin the lead up to an eclipsing Full Moon. This is something that over the coming days could put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, but with the communication gods rallying to ensure the communication lines are open.

Before leaving your romantic sector, the Moon is not only spending its final hours at a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love just as she moves into her final seven days in Libra, but as she is separating from a friendly aspect to Jupiter in an adventurous part of your chart. With the Moon connecting with both, this is amplifying the coming together of not just the spirit of romance and adventure but of the element of luck and the laws of attraction.

A week before Venus, the planet of love is due to return to Scorpio, the Moon not only returns to your romantic sector but to begin the lead up to an eclipsing Full Moon. This will be the first lunar eclipse in your romantic sector since 2016 and together with Mars, in his early days in an adventurous part of your chart, this is going to give the spirit of romance and adventure a serious boost.

It is just as a friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love in a social and serendipitous part of your chart and Jupiter in your relationship sector is starting to separate, that the Moon is spending its final hours in your communication sector at a friendly aspect to both. This is not only a coming together of the love, communication and relationship gods but of the element of luck and the laws of attraction and synchronicity.

The Moon’s first visit to your communication sector since Mars returned to your relationship sector to revitalise things 11 days ago was always going to be important. As well as a chance to get the communication lines open, this is a chance to introduce Mars to the planets in your communication sector that can keep them open. However, returning to begin the lead up to an eclipsing Full Moon, there is the potential for a breakthrough.

At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her final seven days in an adventurous part of your chart and of her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, she is separating from a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your romantic sector that peaked yesterday. The last time the planets of love and luck came together here was in 2013, with the scene set for Venus’ final seven days to be some of the best.

It is just as the Sun moves into his final seven days in your relationship sector and Mercury, the planet of communication his final 10 days, that the Moon not only returns to Pisces but begins the lead up to an eclipsing Full Moon. This will put pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs but with support from the communication gods on both sides. With all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year ending in 10 days, this is a call to pay attention.