Horoscope for 2024-10-14

It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication leaves your relationship sector today that the Sun finds itself in the wrong place at the right time. Once again, a clash with planets in Aries might push some buttons and this time it is with Chiron, the planet of healing. However, it comes just as the Sun’s friendly aspect to Jupiter, in retrograde motion in your communication sector brings a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

It is just as Venus, the planet of love is getting ready to leave your relationship sector that she is joined by Mercury, with the planet of communication returning in time to pass the torch while bringing a chance to get the communication lines open. Venus has been on her own since returning last month, with Mercury returning to support these final days while ensuring there is continuity.

The Sun and Jupiter are the two largest bodies in the solar system and when they are in harmony this is one of the more powerful, positive and opportune times of any year. For the first time in over a decade, this is happening between Jupiter in Gemini and the Sun in your romantic sector, just as the Moon has spent the last few days bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together.

On her own since her return last month, it is just as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final four days in your romantic sector that Mercury returns. As well as returning in time to pass the torch and to ensure the spirit of romance remains in safe hands, during this crossover period where they are both here this will make it easier to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.

Within minutes of each other first Mercury, planet of communication will leave your communication sector and then the Moon will leave your relationship sector, but not before spending the last few days drawing closer. The Moon was here when Pluto turned direct two days ago and began the trek back to your relationship sector, with its departure today leaving you emotionally engaged and aware and with everything needed to keep the communication lines open.

In a case of perfect timing, it is just minutes after Mercury, the planet of communication not only returns to your communication sector but joins Venus, the planet of love here, that the Moon returns to your relationship sector. In the final days of her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice, Venus was already working with Neptune in your relationship sector, with the Moon and Mercury returning in time to enhance the experience.

It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication is leaving Libra today that the Sun is starting to put a spotlight on a balance between your own and your relationship needs. While Venus is just four days away from your communication sector, until she returns Mercury is leaving you with everything needed to keep the communication lines open. Meanwhile, as the Moon leaves your romantic sector it is likely to leave a sense of anticipation in its wake.

Within the space of just a few minutes romantic and relationship matters both get a boost today. It is the Moon’s return to your romantic sector just as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final four days in Scorpio that will give matters of the heart and the spirit of romance a boost. At the same time Mercury, the planet of communication’s return to Scorpio is something your relationships will benefit from.

It is just as a major coming together of the Sun and Jupiter is making this a powerful day for friendship and relationship building that the Moon wraps up its monthly visit to your communication sector. With Jupiter still in his early days in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, the Moon is leaving you with everything needed to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.

It is just as Mars moves into his final three weeks in your relationship sector that the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your communication sector and the timing couldn’t be better. With Venus, the planet of love moving into a friendly aspect to Neptune in your communication sector that will peak over the coming days, this adds to the already growing support between the communication and relationship gods.

As a friendly aspect between the Sun in an adventurous part of your chart and Jupiter, in his early days in retrograde motion in your romantic sector peaks, this will do more than bring a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia into even tighter alignment. With the doors now open to the past and second chances, this brings with it a lot of confidence and optimism.

They might be separating from their friendly aspect that was just starting to peak this time last week, as Mars moves into his final three weeks in your romantic sector and Venus her final four days in an adventurous part of your chart, they are still closely aligned. While Mercury joins Venus there today and this will keep a mix of romance, passion and adventure alive, these final days while the planet of love is still here is when the magic will happen.