Horoscope for 2025-02-10

In the lead up to the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow, there is a call going out to make your life as love friendly as possible ahead of time and especially when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off. With the Moon not only set to move through during the heart of the working week but as a Full Moon, there is a chance to go into this with the right attitude.

As the Moon aligns with Mars for the last time while the warrior planet of the cosmos is in retrograde motion in your communication sector, there is a real chance to push through old communication barriers. Helping with this is that just as the Moon and Mars align, a friendly aspect to Saturn peaks, giving you the additional weight to push through roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined.

Ahead of the Moon’s return to your communication sector tomorrow and the lead up to the second Full Moon of 2025, there is a chance to go into this with a willingness to make communication a priority. Since Mars retrograded back out of your communication sector early last month there has been no planetary activity on the communication front, with the coming days a chance to make up for that.

At the same time that the Moon aligns with Mars in Cancer, their friendly aspect to Saturn in an adventurous part of your chart not only peaks but at the same time that there is already a strong mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure in the air. This is the Moon’s first visit in years where there are no planets in your relationship sector to clash with and instead, it is the spirit of romance that has been experiencing a resurgence.

As an alignment between the Sun and Mercury, planet of communication in your relationship sector peaks there is not only maximum support when it comes to having the communication lines open but in a way that can keep things real and authentic. With a Full Moon coming up that will put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, the timing couldn’t be better.

Over the course of the next 14 days the Sun, Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres will all return to your relationship sector, with a chance to pick up from where Venus, the planet of love left off when she left six days ago. It is that firebreak between the two that is allowing the planets that are more focused on the big picture to regroup as you prepare to move into the most important months of the year for all your relationships.

As an alignment between the Sun and Mercury in your romantic sector peaks this will make it even easier to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. With the Sun still shining on matters of the heart but life also becoming busier and especially professionally, this is making it easier to create the right boundaries. If you know what you want from love that becomes easier.

It is just as the Moon aligns with Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos for the last time while he is in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart, that a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector peaks. A mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure that has been building for days has reached its peak.

When the Moon left your relationship sector yesterday, it not only left you more emotionally engaged and aware but thanks to Jupiter’s direct turn here six days ago, with a sense that the tide has turned. This has seen the focus shift away from the past while with this lucky planet not leaving your relationship sector until June and with growing support from the planets in your communication sector, has brought a chance to look to the future with confidence.

It is just as the Moon aligns with Mars for the last time while in retrograde motion in your relationship sector that a friendly aspect to Saturn in your communication sector peaks. With the Moon also going on to form a friendly aspect to the North Node and Neptune in your communication sector before leaving tomorrow, while Mars is still holding the doors open to the past there is a real chance for a communication breakthrough.

In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow as a Full Moon, life may have taken a busier turn. However, while your relationships can wait, holding onto the spirit of romance couldn’t be more important and especially with lucky Jupiter now back in direct motion in your romantic sector and old roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined no longer there.

It is just as the Moon aligns with Mars for the last time while the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, that support from Saturn in Pisces peaks. There has been a growing mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure that has been building over recent days and that today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are going to amplify.